Is it a good moment to begin?


I have no idea of mining . Where can I learn about ?

What do you think about begin now mining ??

I’ll buy a PC for it and recommendation ?? Is it enough with a personal computer ?? Where can I buy a specialized computer ??


No tengo ni idea sobre minar. Donde puedo aprender sobre el tema y que sea fiable?

¿Que opinais de empezar a minar actualmente ?

He pensado en comprar un ordenador , alguna recomendación ? Es suficiente con un ordenador ? Donde puedo comprar un ordenador ? puedo fabricarme yo mismo uno ?

If you want to mine buy an ASIC.

This one mines at a hashrate 500 times faster than the best GPU you might buy for a computer.

Will you make your money back? Maybe.

go to ebay and search for scrypt miner…a gridseed gblade will make you .02 LTC per 24 hrs. on a pool…and they do about 5 MH/s …larger zeus’ and larger gridseeds that do 20-28MH/s bring in about .20 LTC per day…and the math works straight-up all the way…every 5 MH/s makes .02-.035 LTC on most pools so its up to you…prices just went way up on ebay too because LTC went fro $4 to $12 so I’d get in if u can while u can because antpool just sold-out of their new L3 and the difficulty is about to skyrocket so depending on the pool you join this could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your hashrate and internet connection speed