Litecoin not sent but balance down to 0

Very newbie here
I just sent off some litecoins to have it cashed in to an address provided and the balance shows 0. But the other party emailed me saying they haven’t received it and they tell me it’s 0/unconfirmed and next to it there’s a question mark (the other transfers had a check mark)

I hadn’t used the wallet in a few years, made sure it was synched but I don’t know what to do?

I have the exact same problem right now!

I just updated the whole thing and synched it, boom it worked!

i have the same going on but my litecoin qt is already updated

e enviado a la billetera de litecoin a otra billetera y el saldo me aparece en cero pero en la otra billetera no llega lo que enviado y me sale prosesada y no enviada… que puedo hacer o alguin me ayude para que funcione bien la billetera …