Wallet Import - zero balance and unconfirmed transactions :(((

Hi All,

I’m having a problem restoring a wallet from 2014.

I have the wallet.dat, and I downloaded the latest litecoin-qt version yesterday.

Once I launched it with a -rescan and waited for it to complete, it loaded with an empty balance, and 6 unconfirmed transactions.

I’ve looked up the address and it seems to be empty…

Does anyone have any advice ?



did you check the balance of the address on a block explorer like blockcypher?
also double check that you only have one wallet.dat file in your appdata folder and that you replaced the original wallet.dat file that came with the software with your backup and renamed it wallet.dat…

to restore a wallet you replace wallet.dat in appdata with you backup and rename it wallet.dat deleting the empty wallet

Hi Bakd,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I replaced the wallet file with the one from 2014, renamed it wallet.dat and did the rescan. The address is showing all zero’s on the block chain, but there are 6 unconfirmed trx in this wallet Ive restored, e.g.

Status: 0/unconfirmed, not in memory pool
Date: 18/01/2014 16:54
Credit: 10.43146727 LTC
Net amount: +10.43146727 LTC
Transaction ID: 94338859a6058f82467f57909bf7daa8a60b9e7284229517771942c8f11f5bca
Transaction total size: 226 bytes

Many Thanks!
Output index: 1

ic…yeah its not a valid transaction on any block explorer yet…right click the transaction and click abandon transaction


I did that, and it changed to a bin

Status: 0/unconfirmed, not in memory pool, abandoned
Date: 18/01/2014 16:54
Credit: 10.43146727 LTC
Net amount: +10.43146727 LTC
Transaction ID: 94338859a6058f82467f57909bf7daa8a60b9e7284229517771942c8f11f5bca
Transaction total size: 226 bytes
Output index: 1

Still no change in balances tho.

it says output index is 1…do a reindex then rescan might not have to rescan but you for sure need to reindex…

OK, sounds hopeful.

How do I do a rescan ?

You can open console under help tabs debug window…then click console…then type reindex and after is done type rescan…

Assuming you know how to use command prompt in windows you can also start from command prompt like this: Litecoin-qt.exe - reindex -rescan
After you “cd” to the location you have it installed

Right, I’m doing the following :)))

  1. Get the old wallet.dat in the folder.
  2. reindex

— This took ages and the trx still came back as unconfirmed,when i opened the wallet

  1. now rescanning…

I’ll report back when it’s done.

Thanks for trying to help me out :)))

try this in console:

gettransaction “txid”

otherwise you need to sign the raw transaction with your private key so it can broadcast:
signrawtransaction “hexstring” ( [{“txid”:“id”,“vout”:n,“scriptPubKey”:“hex”,“redeemScript”:“hex”},…] [“privatekey1”,…] sighashtype )

type help in console and look through all that and see what the options are…

Hi Again !

OK, so, reindexed and rescanned, trx are still stuck.

Pulling the details of a trx, I get

Status: 0/unconfirmed, not in memory pool
Date: 18/01/2014 16:54
Credit: 10.43146727 LTC
Net amount: +10.43146727 LTC
Transaction ID: 94338859a6058f82467f57909bf7daa8a60b9e7284229517771942c8f11f5bca
Transaction total size: 226 bytes
Output index: 1

When I try a gettransaction in the console on the trx id I get this…

gettransaction “94338859a6058f82467f57909bf7daa8a60b9e7284229517771942c8f11f5bca”

“amount”: 10.43146727,
“confirmations”: 0,
“trusted”: false,
“txid”: “94338859a6058f82467f57909bf7daa8a60b9e7284229517771942c8f11f5bca”,
“walletconflicts”: [
“time”: 1390064083,
“timereceived”: 1390132070,
“bip125-replaceable”: “unknown”,
“details”: [
“account”: “”,
“address”: “LcxFJ67ReiDtLW2hbwWdDwwUva2bbs8me8”,
“category”: “receive”,
“amount”: 10.43146727,
“vout”: 1
“hex”: "0100000001000f664665aa302…

Looking through the fields, I don’t see a fee attached to the trx, although the option is listed in the possible returned arguments.

Should I be using the signrawtransaction command ?


it wont broadcast until it is signed so yes

I would also try and dumpprivkey for that address and see if you can sweep it into a different wallet if signing the transaction doesn’t work that is

Hi Bakd,

I tried the signrawtransaction, and got the following output

“complete”: false,
“errors”: [
“txid”: “9de4fc8e2927616d60c1f49e1fc0f05fcf8826f664d77a712f30aa6546660f00”,
“vout”: 0,
“scriptSig”: “48304502201003d05ea5353ddc8285ad8e49833e0e2edab873d32e21669d1aa254ff0dba95022100eff39a15f7d1cf840a39ea93c269a658c8fa14695ac3a16b26f8edda36d261240121030ac5013fd6b38bebeb7028b11a75a125334372b07528f04e55c82454e2596598”,
“sequence”: 4294967295,
“error”: “Input not found or already spent”

Do you think I should try dumpprivkey command, and if so, could you tell me how to use it ?


transaction didn’t broadcast when you signed it…if you dump the private key then youd just sweep it by typing importprivkey…however if the input is not in your backup it will not find a private key…you can try it and if it returns a key then import it and see what happens…if it returns one then you need to sweep that key to a different wallet

I had an issue recently where version 13.2.1 was not showing my change address and versoin 14 and 13.1 were but the private key was there and it returned it and everything…coins just wouldn’t pop up until I opened them in the new wallet version

Your account is suspended most likely. Sorry man