Why is the litecoin community so uncoordinated?

Why do not take segwit miners, because in their interest to extract an expensive coin.

It has to do with the way some miners can mine blocks when mining solo…if they are using old hardware and the “getwork” protocol instead of “stratum”…SegWit pretty much makes that miner obsolete…so its not that they dont want to switch its that they cant if they want to continue to mine litecoin…
the “Getwork” protocol makes it possible to mine “Empty Blocks”…also known as “selfish Mining”…Novacoin and maybe game credits(which ill never trust since all coins were pre-mined and miners only get paid through transaction blocks) are the only Scrypt based coins that are profitable to mine with older hardware…
…I might be wrong but this is what I have taken from the reading i have done…anyone else is free to chime in…

We have around 65% of blocks signalling for SegWit activation. Where the activation threshold is 75%.
I’m sure that make Litecoin more coordinated, more so than Bitcoin.

Segregated Witness is similar to Dash Private Send / master-node feature…only better and faster and doesn’t require people to buy 1000 coins to use it which is why Litecoin will Dominate Dash in the long run…as far as I can tell should make it to where all supporting segwit nodes are the ones maintaining consensus for the light wallets and such…and were not going to have to put up coins as “proof of stake” like all the other crap coins…if you think about it…proof of stake is just like a bank loaning out its account holders money…Proof of work is what Litecoin uses and will continue to use and that’s why it will be at least #2 on the market cap…in every way it is better than its competitors…less risky too! BTW yes SegWit will create better coordination with the community as a result…